John III to William IV

John III of Hilton & Buckland Newton.

Married Frances

 This John  inherited his fathers  lands, at  Hilton, Buckland Newton and properties in Dorchester, all of these becoming the bastions of the Dorset yeomanry  for several centuries, John and Frances had   five children Richard, Robert,  Edmund , Margaret and Walter.

I believe Walter took over the properties in Dorchester, there are various references in the borough records to a Walter Chaldecott as being a free holder I believe he owned a malt house and also farmed at Buckland Newton.

The only item of interest I could find on John, was that  he was apparently the quarter master for the Dorchester division of  Parliamentarian army. Providing quartering for the men  and food for the horses.  This is recorded  in the Dorchester borough records.


Richard V


D 1660

Married Rebecca

Richard appears to have inherited, most of his fathers land and properties in Hilton And Buckland  Newton, but from this time on it will be a trifle difficult, to differentiate who owned what, as the successive generations had more  children and the various properties and land  became more and more divided between this growing number of descendants. These following generations would also be purchasing and renting lands of their own throughout the Hilton and Buckland Newton area.

They would in future generations be not only  farmers and landlords, but would also become grain merchants dairymen, maltsters and millers.

Richard  and Rebecca had six children, Richard, William, Francisca , Dorothy, Rebecca and  Susanna

Upon Richards death his oldest son Richard inherited most of his property,  he died in 1700 as a bachelor but in his will he did however, pass most of his estate on to his nephews William. Thomas, The rest was divided between  his various friends, employees and local, good causes It is from  two of these nephews  Thomas  and  William, that all of the present day Chaldecotts  appear to have descended.  From  Thomas the Surrey and Essex branch and from William the Dorset branch.


William IV

William did not inherit much of  his Father Richards estate, the bulk of it going to Richard his older brother. However some of it did come back into his family When his sons  inherited most of his bachelor brother, Richard’s estate upon his death. I don’t think that this would have made much difference,  due to the fact that most of the family farms, .and properties were from the earliest  times  jointly run and managed. Williams two sons were Thomas and William, who I don’t believe had any heirs.

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